RNG Category Commands

These are commands primarily to do random things.

+choose [5/10s]

"makes me pick from a list of options"

This command takes a list of args and picks one at random.

+choose 'option' 'option' [...]
options are the different options that could be chosen.

+dice [5/15s]

"gives me some dice to roll for you"

This command generates and throws up to 5 groups of up to 50 dice of an arbitrary number of sides between 1 and 100.
Each group can be given a modifier to add to the group too.

After the dice have been thrown, the bot will either post the total of all groups or the count of each dice value.

+dice 'nDf+m' [...]
n is the number of dice, f is the number of faces on the dice, +m and -m is the modifier.
<user> +dice D20+3 3D4-1
<42> I rolled those dice for you and got:
  1D20+3: [13] +3 totalling 16
  3D4-1: [2, 2, 1] -1 totalling 4
  The total of all the dice is 20

+random [5/15s]

"accesses my randomisation functions"

This command is a group of different random functions.
Some are made for specific games, namely Splatoon and Super Smash Brothers.
Some of the options are maintained by some of my friends, so credit will be given where due.

+random 'subcommand'
The list of subcommands is:
  • number ['max'] Chooses a random number from 1 to max or 1 to 100.
  • lenny Chooses a random lenny face.
  • coin Flips a coin.
  • 8ball Shakes a magic 8-ball
  • ship ['m1'] Ships two random members, or ships one with the given name.
  • kaomoji Chooses a random weebie (・ω<)☆
  • team ['size'] Chooses 5 or size members from the server.
  • channelteam, onlineteam Same as team, but chooses members in the channel or members who are online.
  • weapon [Splatoon] Chooses a random weapon.
  • scrim ['rounds'] [Splatoon] Chooses 5 or rounds random ranked matches.
  • strat [Splatoon] Random "fun" gamerules to play by.
  • smash [SSB4] Chooses a random character.
  • cat [By Tori] Posts a cat picture.
  • honk [By Xiggy] Posts a chen picture.
  • encouragement [By Leonie] Posts an encouraging message.
  • happysong [By Leonie] Posts a youtube video.
  • squiddy [By Frawst and Toby] Posts an inkling picture.
  • puffu [By Ramza] Posts a seal picture.

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