Tools Category Commands

These are simple commands to help improve the quality of life on a server.

+remind [One Per Channel]

"makes me remind you about something"

Permission: [One Per Channel] Only one active timer can exist in a channel at any given time for each user.

Asks 42 to mention you after a certain amount of time has passed.
The +cancel command can be used halt any running timers.
Due to the way this command works, it has been artificially nerfed to only have a accuracy of ±1 minute.

For the technically advanced who want to know why, the command works by storing a list of all the active timers and checking if any have completed every minute or so. This allows me to dump the list to a json when the bot process ends, which is why timers are no longer lost when the bot "crashes."

+remind 'minutes' ['message']
Minutes is the number of minutes to wait. Message is what will be sent to you.
There is a limit of 7 days ≈ 10000 minutes.
<user> +remind 80 "do the laundry"
<42> ​I will notify you in 1:20. Use `+cancel` to stop the reminder.
    ~~ Time Passes ~~
<42> @user, you asked me to remind you to do the laundry.
=remind 'hh:mm' ['message']
HH is the hours and MM is the minutes. Again, message is what will be sent.
Just as above, there is a limit of 7 days = 168 hours.
<user> +remind 2:30 "check oven"
<42> ​I will notify you in 2:30. Use `+cancel` to stop the reminder.
    ~~ Time Passes ~~
<42> @user, you asked me to remind you to check oven.
Removes your current timer in the channel.
<user> +remind 20 "shower"
<42> ​I will notify you in 0:20. Use `+cancel` to stop the reminder.
<user> +cancel
<42> Stopping reminder.
    ~~ Time Passes ~~
    But there was only silence...

+cleanme [1/60s]

"archives and deletes your messages"

This command deletes any messages sent by the caller whilst also making a call to +archive first.
The archive is so that users cannot hide their spam from the mods using this command to quickly clear their tracks.

+cleanme ['limit'] Limit is the number of messages that will be archived and then scanned for deletions. If not given, it defaults to 100.

+prunecheck [Kick]

"checks how many members will be pruned"

Story time: This command exists because one of the servers I moderated accidentally did a 30 day prune when checking how many inactive members there are. Turns out the red button means "Do it!" and the grey button cancels. Said mod assumed the red button was the back button, so prunes were had...
This command was created so that we never have to open the prune dialouge again.

Criteria for a member to be removed in a prune:

  • Has no roles other than the default role
  • Has not logged into discord within the last n days
<user> +prunecheck
<42> # Members on server: 1626
  [Role Members][867]
  [Safe Members][1305]
  [1 Day Prune ][321]
  [7 Day Prune ][213]
  [30 Day Prune][122]

+afk [No PM]

"leaves a message for people who ping you"

This tracks when you get mentioned either via direct mention or a role and then sends a message to the server.

+afk 'message' this is another command that does not require quotes
<user> +afk gone fishing
<42> I have set your AFK message...
<mod> @user
<42> user: gone fishing
<user> back
<42> Welcome back user, I will stop sending your AFK message.

+announce [Server Manager]

sets a regular repeating message

This command allows the bot to take up to 3 actions in a channel:

  • Send a message roughly on the hour every hour.
  • Send a message roughly at midnight UTC every day.
  • Perform a command roughly on the hour every hour before sending the message.
This allows for things like shilling active livestream marathons or creating self-purging channels.

+announce hourly 'message'
Sends a message every hour. Message is what to send.
+announce daily 'message'
Sends a message daily. Message is what to send.
+announce command 'command...'
Performs a command hourly. Command... is the non quoted command to use, and does not require the call character.
<user> +announce hourly "Welcome to the server... Please type `+giveme entry` to start talking"
<42> I have set your hourly message.
<user> +announce command remove all 500
<42> I have set your hourly command to +remove all 500
+announce stop 'type'
Stops an announcement. Type is one of "hourly", "daily" or "command"


"lets you access my calendar functions"

There are 2 different sets of commands here. One for users and one for Bot Mods.
This command also has integration with +profile by adding member's birthdays.

Users only have access to see what is on the event list.

+event [list]
Lists all birthdays and events in the server. If there are too many, a file will be posted.
+event next
Lists only birthdays and events in the next month. Useful if there are too many on the full list.

Bot Mods can add or remove custom events, however these events will not be allerted or removed.

+event create 'date' 'message'
Adds an event to the list. Date is the date to add to, message is the message to add.
+event set 'date' 'message'
Deletes all events on a date and replaces it with the given event.
+event delete 'date'
Deletes an event from a date. If there is more than 1, this is interractive.
+event clear 'date'
Deletes all events from a date.
+event wipe
Deletes all events on the list.

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